
Thank you 2014

2014 -
A year with lots of quiet, support, painful growth, abundance, change, stillness, and new insights.

A couple of memorable moments in 2014:

The best New Years Eve 2013 - 2014 happend with beautiful friends manifesting the New Year with Tarot readings.
10 Days of Deep meditation lying totally flat (literally) at the hospital after a complicated spinal puncture. What a journey.
Dream It Yoga Collaboration with one of the most precious souls on Earth: Fatima
The yearly Celebrate retreat at Crete with my yoga brother Surya.
Crete is forever magic and it became even more magic when I had an surprise visitor coming to stay with me. Jannik will never stop surprising me. Deep love.
Lazy summer Days in Skåne with my favourite person.
Bordeaux and Silent Retreat together with Fatima. New insights and so close to center.
Crystal clear meditation.
Restore and Revitalize yogaretreat in Tuscany late Sept. So much love and beauty.
And all everyday moments in- between days
The best x-mas and ending of the year happend. In a cabin at the countryside in Värmland Sweden.

I´m grateful for every person in my Life. Thank YOU.

2014, thanks for holding me. For guiding me in right direction.
2015, I believe in Miracles
 ♥ ♥ ♥ Namaste.