..... It begins by being able to hear it.
In June me and my yoga-brother Klaus arranged a yoga retreat at beautiful Triopetra on Crete. The name and theme were already from the beginning crystal clear; Celebrating the Heart
I can`t dream of a more loving way to share the yoga. It`s all about the heart. For me, communication and meeting through the hearts are essential.
I can`t say that to many times.
Dare to go deep within.
Dare to be vulnerble.
Be curious.
Like a bird on a rooftop in India.
Some inspiring words from Ronit Herzfeld:
We can’t hear our hearts when we are bombarded with feelings of insecurity,
loneliness, helplessness, and sadness.
Become the ambassador to your heart by learning how to recognize and
release these feelings so that your heart’s voice becomes louder.
Beyond your fears, your insecurities, and your not knowing resides your true nature.
“Your mind is looking to solve a problem,
your heart knows there is no problem.
Our minds perceive threats and divide us,
our hearts overflow to embrace and unite us.
Our minds deal with “others” as if they are tools or objects,
our hearts rejoice in our Oneness"
Let the walls around your heart break open to receive with abandon your highest nature.