This Saturday evening, the Moon will seem a bit larger and a whole lot brighter - it is called the
"super full Moon." Super full Moons occur whenever the Moon's perigee period — the time when it is closest to our home planet — coincides with the middle of its lunar cycle. It's a rare occasion that only occurs about once every 18 years according to NASA.
NASA says the Moon should appear approximately 14% larger to us earthlings, and as it will be a full moon at the same time, it will appear to be mighty bright. The optimal time for super full Moon spotting is just after it clears the horizon on Saturday evening, so maybe we can enjoy some lunar beauty, pending a clear line of sight, of course.
science.nasa. supermoon
Use the impact of this magical and powerful Scorpio Full Moon.
It is the perfect opportunity to refresh & recharge your energy
The Full Moon is the time for personal transformation -
let the bright light of the Moon cleanse and renew.
You are a the creator of your life. Be the magician!
Use your power, your magic to create beauty and goodness.
Listen to your your hearts longing.
☾☾☾ maria