
Goodbye 2013

 ( ( ( ♥ ) ) )
2013 - A year with lots of love, change, growth, grief, illness and new insights.
And the most inportant - it`s been guiding me right back into my heart, over and over again.

A couple of memorable moments in 2013:
Celebrating my way into the 40`s in Tulum Mexico.
My beloved brother moved to Oslo- I can`t decribe how grateful I am.
Zen Coaching Training completed at Beautiful Ängsbacka.
The yearly Celebrate retreat at Crete with my companion Surya.
Spending a month on the wild and energetic Island of Crete is such a blessing.
Almost 3 weeks holiday in New York celebrating life. As it is.
My yogaretreat Restore And Revitalize were held for the first time in Tuscany late Sept.
And all everyday moments and meetings in- between with amazing people.
The best x-mas and ending of the year happend. In a cabin at the countryside in Värmland Sweden.

And the best and scariest of everything. Having a pause from teaching.
Doing "nothing".
Working fulltime on healing my body inside out.

Thanks to my loved ones for being there.
To all my teachers.
And thanks to all my students for going this path with me.

I bow to you.

2013, thanks for holding me. For guiding me in right direction.
2014, I meet you in silence
 ♥ ♥ ♥ Namaste.

Magic in New York 2013