
The art of giving

We all know that giving on any level feels really nice, maybe fantastic, but internally all forms of giving are not equal. When we give with the expectation of receiving something in return, we are not really letting go of what we are giving.
If we don`t let go completely, then we are still clinging to whatever we gave.
And the magic will not happen.

In our culture there is a lot of “me first” programed into our systems.
That blocks us to give fully, openly and let the magic happen.

When we give freely without expectation, it can come back to us in some very unexcpected ways. Note to self,  if we are giving simply to get something back, then we also put limits on the ways that we can receive.
This can be quite difficult to practice, especially if we are having a hard time meeting our own needs.
It takes time to practice, again and again.

Learning to expand our hearts and give freely.
Embracing unselfish giving.

Learning that giving from the heart is truly a gift.

Giving is its own reward.

omsorg = care