
GoodBye challenging and uncomfortable 2012.....

.......Welcome so much splendid 2013.

In the end of 2011, I proudly wrote this post.
That was all about gratitude for the past years.
Love, challenges and lots of learning.
I was ready for Radical honesty. The complete.
Fearlessly embracing 2012.

2012 - A year with lots of change, growth, honesty, ambivalens, frictions and endless being.
It`s been uncomfortable and annoying.
It`s been a roller-coaster of emotions.
It`s been much needed.

The year where the Earth were supposed to end according to the Maya`s.
It didn`t. The world meets a new Era. Time for compassion. For caring.
For living in truth. We are all together on this planet.
I read an interesting and important article (in Norwegian) about humanity and behavior.
The importance of belonging.
Yes, It is time to reach out our hands. To care about each other.
It`s my misson.
To handle with care.

A couple of memorable moments in 2012:

Zen Coaching Training  at beautiful and warm Ängsbacka.
Moments with clarity, being and amazing meetings.
Celebrate the Moment retreat at Crete.
I´m so grateful for hosting this special
retreat with my soulbrother Surya.
Together we are unbeatable.
I also had some precious days at Crete with a friend of mine.
We had priceless moments of hilarious fun that I never will forget.
My 5 weeks at Bali.
Oh Bali. You are like a big, embracing heart ( ( ( ♥ ) ) )
So many marvelous people crossed my path.
My time in Bali were beautiful, challenging and alive.
A reminder of what`s important.
A reminder of responsibility.
And a wise teacher words;  It is all perfect!

A new home.
New friends. Old friends.
Friends with struggles who are brave beyond words.
My grandpa, my Offa, passed away.
And - Oh Bali I still recover from that bug

Thanks to my closest and loved ones for being there.
You know who you are.
Thanks to all my loyal students for listening. For being brave. For your patience.
You make me wanna grow. And learn. Be humble.

I wish you the blessing of friends and partners who stay with you and support you through both clarity and dust. People who`s got your back.

2012, thanks for holding the space. For the tenderness and loss. For the pain and suffering. For inspiring me to live my life with childlike wonder.

2013, I'm ready. Yes to belonging. Radical acceptance.
I totally surrender.

All you need is faith and trust... and a little bit of pixie dust ♥ ♥ ♥

early morning in Thailand 2008- leaving Ko Ngai


Humble X - mas

To you, just  y o u ,  who are reading this blog. You, who I don`t know.
Thank you for following my thoughts and visions for a more loving life.

Wish you all a humble holiday.
Celebrate light and connection.
Let the present moment embrace you.
Be true to yourself.
Be radical and honest.
Be a Light Warrior.
In the middle of Love and Chaos.
And enjoy the silence.

Yours Sincerely Maria

happy x-mas cards


Celebrate Light


The Feast of St Lucia, starts the Christmas season.
St Lucia is a symbol of light, marking the return of lighter days.

Since the very beginning of my life as a tiny little brown eyed girl, I´ve always been facinated about Lucia.

I loved the preparation for Lucia in Sweden. The rehersals. The making of gingerbread and sweet buns full of saffron. Lussekatter shaped like curled-up cats and with raisin eyes.
I loved the dark and early Lucia mornings. The beautiful white linen and the shimmering lights.
The celebration of light and abundance in the dark and cold winter melted my heart.
There were people getting together in some kind of celebration.
There were hope. Hope for the light.
Rituals. Devotion. Faith.

Read more about Sankta Lucia here:
Saint Lucy (283–304), also known as Saint Lucia or Santa Lucia.

"In the old almanac, Lucia Night was the longest of the year. It was a dangerous night when supernatural beings were abroad and all animals could speak. By morning, the livestock needed extra feed. People, too, needed extra nourishment and were urged to eat seven or nine hearty breakfasts. This kind of feasting presaged the Christmas fast, which began on Lucia Day"

Lucia with her eyes. From GooglePic


♥ Make space for a new year

Almost the end of 2012.
And a beautiful time for reflection and contemplation.
What do I wan`t to leave behind?
In myself? Others? The world? 
Let go! Say goodbye with love to the parts you don`t need anymore.
Forgive. Do not hide.

What do I wan`t to celebrate?
In myself? Others? The world?
What am I most proud of? And is it possible to let it grow? 
And how can I bring it with me into the New Year?

What`s next? 
What do I want to manifest and visualize for 2013?
What is my vision? My longing?
Plant a seed in our "second spring" .
Nurture and nourish. See it grow.

Let go, Forgive. Celebrate, Believe
Be a brave and glowing firefly  

december light last year. 2011



Have a romance with Life

Bhakti Yoga - The yoga of Love

The word yoga means "to connect."
In the West, Yoga are mostly known as postures (asanas) on a yogamat.
The old Vedic texts explain that yoga is meant to connect with God. (or the Divine, Nature, something greater)
Bhakti means "devotion," or "devotional service," or "pure love."
So Bhakti-yoga means to practice connecting with God, through acts of love and service, or devotional service.

The practice of Bhakti Yoga can be listening to, reading, and studying the scriptures, meditation and chanting mantras.

All these practices of devotion lead to the last one: surrender.
When we have surrendered our egos and its need to cling and control, we free our hearts to live through love and in faith.
We have surrendered ourselves to God and to a life of Love.

For us earthlings the practice of Bhakti maybe sounds a little strange.
We are human after all.
For some of us, practicing Bhakti Yoga may mean reading holy texts, such as the Yoga Sutras.
For others it may mean a daily meditation, being in nature or even asana practice.

How can we cultivate more sweetness into our asana practice? More sweetness into our lifes?
Cultivate more compassion for ourselves and others.
Diving into our yoga with empathy, curiousity, and acceptance?

Make an altar. Inside your heart our in your home. Or both.
Pimp your altar with things you love and worship.
Pictures, flowers, stones, fruit, chocolate, notes, candles, loving thoughts-  whatever you want.

Unconditional love can be healing.

Have a romance with life itself.
